Estate Planning and Incapacity Planning in Burnaby, B.C.
As the Canadian population ages, their legal concerns begin to change as well. Becoming a fast-growing area of legal practice, our estate planning and incapacity planning services are concerned with people over 60 years of age, which primarily include estate and retirement planning, Medicaid and establishing long-term care or guardianship. James K. Fraser assists individuals in estate planning and incapacity planning in Burnaby, B.C., having practiced elder law in Burnaby and surrounding areas in Southwest British Columbia for years now.
We have helped elders with preparing and administering their wills, establishing trusts and addressing any other areas of concern among the elderly. Our firm can provide assistance with any of the following issues pertaining to elder law:
Estate planning - distributing estates as per your wishes.
Medicaid, disability and long-term care - to protect your health in your old age.
Establishing trusts and powers of attorney - to ensure nobody can mess with your assets in your absence.
Incapacity - for times when you are unable to make the right sound decisions.
Guardianship - legal protection of your assets after you.
Elder abuse - to keep you safe from abuse and hurt.
Retirement planning - to make sure your sunset years are spent in comfort and ease.
Crimes committed against the elderly - including crimes that involve neglect and fraud.
Incapacity to make decisions doesn’t simply mean old age. Incapacity to make sound decisions can also apply to someone younger who has a brain injury, or has other issues pertaining to mental health.

Why You Need a Lawyer Experienced in Estate and Incapacity Planning?
Elder law issues are often complex and multilayered, and one false move may yield an undesired outcome for the involved party. However, a lawyer experienced with elder law in Burnaby can help you sort out many difficult situations involving your family, medical care and/or finances. Our law firm works hard to protect and maintain our elder clients’ rights, property and independence, as well as their continued well-being and relationships with their family. You can also rest assured we have experience working with the elderly whose mental or physical capacities may be on the decline, and we are equipped to handle their needs in a variety of challenging scenarios. Whether you’re in a second or third marriage and are updating your will or you have an incapacitated spouse in need of long-term care in a facility, you can rely upon our legal counselling to help guide you in the right direction.
Schedule an Elder Law Consultation in Burnaby
The elderly are among the most vulnerable of the Canadian population at large. That’s why they need fierce advocates to ensure their rights are being protected on their behalf. When you require a lawyer experienced with the ever-evolving practice of elder law, consider James K. Fraser for all your estate planning and incapacity planning needs in Burnaby, B.C. Our office keeps abreast of any changes to laws that specifically affect the senior population. We believe that you have the right to age with dignity and not be exploited. You can count on us to treat your sensitive situation involving elder law in a professional, compassionate manner. Please contact our office today to schedule an appointment for a consultation to see what we can do for you or your loved one.